Is it Working?

Is it Working?

New research suggests the possible jobs that will be lost and gained by 2030. The world in which we live is filled with promise, especially when technology is involved. But it also has a fair share of challenges. As these technologies improve our lives, they will start to do some of the work that  humans currently perform. Some people aren’t happy about that vision of the future of work.

What does the future of work look like? Will there be enough work to maintain full employment in 2030? How do we adjust to such big changes? 

About half the activities people are paid to do globally could, in theory, be automated using today’s technologies. 

For about half of occupations, at least one-third of the activities could be automated. This could mean big changes to the workplace for all workers.  But automation will have a smaller effect on jobs that involve managing people, applying expertise, and social interactions, where machines are unable to match human performance… for now.

It seems like factory jobs will see the biggest change in the future of work. By 2030, there will be at least 300 million more people aged 65 years and older than there were in 2014. As people age, their spending patterns shift, with a pronounced increase in spending on healthcare and other personal services. This will mean higher demands for doctors, nurses, and health technicians, and carers in many countries. 

Overall spending on technology could increase by more than half by 2030 and  although the number of people employed in these occupations is small compared to those in healthcare or construction, they are high-wage occupations. 

Investments in renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy-efficiency technologies; and adaptation and mitigation of climate change may create new workers in a wide range of occupations, from manufacturing, to construction, consultation and installation. These investments could create millions of  new jobs in developing countries

Some people think that the last future trend to consider is paying for services that substitute for currently unpaid and primarily domestic work. This already happens in advanced economies. Add to that the rising female workforce worldwide and this could accelerate the trend in occupations such as childcare, early-childhood education, cleaning, cooking, and gardening.

The future of work looks bright and new and very sustainable. People will be able to make it what they want it to be. The will have more control and hopefully this will mean more satisafaction and happiness as a result.

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